Friday Fragments and Fill in fun!

Mommy's Idea
The frags are short this week... I don't know why... oh yeah I do... Erik is climbing all over me as I try to write...

The saga of Liam's shoes continued this week... Daddy was diligent and made sure that he had shoes to get to school everyday... it was Robyn and I who faced the unenviable task of keeping them on his feet in public... He kicked both off at different ends of Barnes & Noble when we were there earlier this week - I found one under the Lego table and one on the kids stage...  He also managed to lose one shoe at the Model Railway Club when we visited this week...

Erik has two new catch phrases this week - he's added how doin' and wha' doin' to his vocabulary - mostly while skyping with his father at work or grandparents in Canada

Speaking of Robyn, she has officially completed her first half year as a high school freshman... she's enjoying this five day break after mid-terms to recharge...

The kids are off today which means I don't need to go into the school to volunteer... I really miss that... it's only 4 hours but it's part of the routine...


My darling hubby, Wayne from Touristic is co-hosting this week - he wrote the last two sentences...

1. I am a never-stay-at-home mom...
2. Sometimes I don’t know when to admit defeat ... it doesn't happen often
1. My two favorite words lately are naptime and bedtime.
2. I would like taking a long hot bath if interruptions didn’t happen