There are some things that you never expect to say... and today, I said one of those things...
"Get that Screwdriver out of your mouth before you choke on it"
Speaking of Erik, he is now officially two... and he has picked up a new two year old trait... screeching... I had forgotten about this stage... please pass quickly... He is also in the 99th percentile for both height and weight - he weighs approximately 36 lbs. It was hard to get an accurate reading at the doctors office because he
I spent over an hour on the net and then on the phone with Amazon this morning because I couldn't download any of the ARC's that I've received from Netgalley through my kindle app. Instead of saying "There's a glitch somewhere and we need to find it", they made me reset my iPad and phone... so all of the stuff I downloaded is gone... it's probably a good thing in a way - now I can start fresh, but when you're out and about and finish a book, it's nice to know there are a hundred more you can re-read if you want. (PS the problem resolved itself a few hours later... darn glitch)
I was thinking earlier this week how weird it was going to be not to be volunteering at Liam's school this week, because they had last Friday off and then this week one of the other women was going to take my shift because I helped her out. Turns out she needs tomorrow for a family issue, so I am going to get my volunteering fix... and Wayne can chase Erik around ;-)
I am hosting a "Take a Dip with Sabra" House Party next week and I need to buy three flavors of Sabra Hummus for the party... There are 16 flavors to choose from! Which would you most like to try- you can vote on this poll:
(TMI ahead)
Keep your fingers crossed - Liam has been dry at school for the past few days and starting Monday we're going to try big boy underpants all day! For next week, we'll have him wear a pull up to and from school on the bus, but I'm really hoping that he'll finally get it! He hasn't gone #2 in the potty yet, but we know he has good control because he only poops at home...
So excited that Wreck-It Ralph is out today! Check out some cool pdf activities here (including this one:)
And I'm now looking forward to OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL which will be out in theaters everywhere on March 8, 2013!
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- On a related note, didn't he do a great job ;-)