1. Would you grow your hair out to donate it?
I have done this in the past and if I can put up with my hair long enough to grow it out again, I would totally donate again.
2. What song makes you think of summer?
3. Are you a flip flops or sandals kind of person?
Flip flops for everyday, sandals for dress up!
4. Favorite summer treat (ie ice cream, snow cones, etc)?
My dad's strawberry slushie recipe fresh from the freezer
5. Do you do something special for the father of your children?
I usually let him rest... and pick what he wants to do for the day... this year we bought him a new Coke t-shirt from Egypt while we were in Atlanta last week... and we're home in Canada so I'm sure he'll enjoy spending the day with HIS dad.

1. There never seems to be enough time for sleep... and when I get enough, it never feels like I have...
2. I love to be home here in Toronto and seeing friends and family!
3. I could live outta a suitcase forever!
4. The last time I truly appreciated what a wonderful hubby I have, he drove all night so that we could be home with our family!