Friday Fragments

It's yet another Friday and it's time to grab the frags that are rolling around in my brain and put them into cyber-space and link them up with:

Mommy's Idea
I honestly am having trouble concentrating on what exactly to write... the sleep deprivation is kinda getting to me this week..

Wayne is officially TENURED!!!! It's been 6 years in the making, but he now has official proof that he still has a job - the whole thing is kinda anti-climactic... he jumped through hoops, sweated it out and the end result is a piece of paper with 4 lines of text and a signature... Erik and I did take him out for a celebratory lunch though...  I'd love for you to pop over to his blog - and leave him a congratulatory comment!

Yesterday, Robyn had the opportunity to sign up for her first round of high school classes... she's chosen French as her study language, and Engineering as her concentration... while we were there we also found out something disappointing about her math credits - she's not getting honors level credits for her current work, which is making them virtually useless for this high school.  She may have to retake Geometry instead of being ahead... we already knew that they weren't accepting her English credit, so this is another blow...

The meeting at the school was at 7:15 last night and because we're a one car family, the whole gang of us picked Wayne up from work, grabbed Chick-Fil-A for dinner and I dropped Wayne and Robyn off to go to the orientation while the boys and I went to Wal-Mart... the down side to this plan was that Erik fell asleep on the way home - his power nap meant that he didn't go to bed until after 2 AM!

You may recall that I mentioned in last week's frags that he has learned to escape his crib... well since he wouldn't settle and kept escaping I couldn't even put my feet up to rest... so he's still sleeping now but my internal clock says I need to be awake... darn internal clock

Liam has (knock on wood) had a good week at school - his new ABA therapy is starting and that means he's getting an extra 450 minutes a week of support - HUGE!!! I'm hoping that we'll see some improvement in the areas they are targeting ...

As for me, I'm still just plodding along, trying to get enough sleep to function and still get everything done... a big hug to my hubby who has made Liam's lunch the last two days because I don't have my head on straight enough to do it myself... luv that man.

Well, Erik is still sleeping and I'm tired enough to try to grab a cat nap, so I'm going to hope that any other fragments in my mind just swirl away and that you have a great weekend!  Please visit the other fragmented bloggers who will probably have much more coherent posts than I...