I am wiped after two days of driving... but the kids did amazingly well despite the long journey and the cramped quarters... Not sure what driving back by myself with the kids will be like, but I'm sure it will be okay.. just slower than driving up with Wayne too...
Not to knock the US Border guards, but the Canadian Customs person got the same hit on the computer when Wayne's name came up that causes all of the border guards to pull weapons and escort us into the secure area for questioning (every time we travel back to the US together) ... and lo and behold he asked Wayne's middle name - double checked it on the passport and sent us on our way... realizing that it wasn't him - WOW!
I made them stop at Grove City and walk around for a while... TAX FREE OUTLET SHOPPING... and the best part is that I found two pairs of sneakers that Liam will actually keep on his feet!!!! No sandals, but one can't expect two miracles in a day...
I learned something else on this trip - I'm willing to pay $20 more for 1 foot of real estate... yep, I could have had a hotel room for $20 + less... but it was with 2 doubles instead of 2 queens... and real estate won that arguement.
Speaking of the hotel, both the city occupancy tax and the state tourism tax came out to $6.66 each, should I be worried?
Guess I was way gabbier than I planned to be.. no so Wayne - check out his blog post from today by clicking here and tell me if that isn't the shorted blog post you've seen in a while...
Well, I'm sleepy and getting grumpy, so I'll say good night and let you go and check out all of the other wonderful fraggers at: