Click on the button to check out her answers and the linky of all the other blogs that participate:

1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
3. How many siblings do you have?
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
My Answers!
1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
The only jewelry I always wear are my wedding and engagement rings.
2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
I'm a twirly girl
3. How many siblings do you have?
Two + two siblings-in-law ... My sister is 18 months younger and my brother is 29 months younger and both of them are married to my great siblings-in-law.
Catherine (2), Me (4) and Mark (1)
4. Were you named after anyone?
My first name is not for anyone specific, but my middle name is traditional for the oldest daughter - here is a picture of four generations of Anne:
My Nana, Great Grandmother, Mother and Me
taken around 1979/80 I think.
5. Coke or Pepsi?
Diet coke with lime in a perfect world, but I'm not that fussy.