5 Question Friday

Once again I am hooking up with 
You can play along too ... just copy the questions below and then hook up your answers at fivecrookedhalos.blogspot.com or just choose your favorite question(s) and answer them in the comments section

1. Do you regift...and if so, do you have a regifting horror story?

2. Do you know what you are getting for Christmas this year?

3. Who brings the most gifts in your family, you or Santa?

4. What store do you love to by jeans from?

5. Christmas meal: Big, All Out Meal or Snacks and Apps?

My answers:

1. Do you regift...and if so, do you have a regifting horror story?

Yes, I regift occasionally, no horror stories.. but there is a funny story about a novelty shower head that got passed around our neighborhood for a few years... I think everyone got it at some point...where someone dug up a Carmen Miranda shower head to begin with I'll never know, but sometimes the wackiest gifts make the best regifts...

2. Do you know what you are getting for Christmas this year?

Yes - more or less - I got my big gift at the end of October so we're just exchanging small things this year, plus Amazon forgot to wrap the gifts that my sister-in-law sent so I already know what I got from my brother too...

This is my big gift this year:
and no, I will not be regifting him...

3. Who brings the most gifts in your family, you or Santa?
Santa does a great job in our house!

4. What store do you love to by jeans from?
I don't own a pair of jeans and haven't since grade 10... now, if you ask me about yoga pants - I luv me some Old Navy for those...

5. Christmas meal: Big, All Out Meal or Snacks and Apps?

Big, All Out Meal... this year I'm cooking on Christmas Eve, but sometimes I do the big meal on Christmas Day... when I was in high school and college, my mom would do our big meal on Boxing Day (Dec 26th for my American friends) because she worked retail and closed the store late on Dec 24th, and she used Dec 25th to relax and get ready to cook the big meal.

Please share your answers in the comments section below or make your own post and let me get to know you on 5 Question Friday!