I am pleased to invite my friend and fellow reviewer, Annie to share her thoughts on Attipas infant and toddler shoes after letting her daughter C have a go with them!
Attipas provided us with this blurb, and the cutest pair of Black Ballet shoes for C:
"Do you remember learning to walk? Neither do we, but we vividly remember watching our little ones learning to walk and all the bumps and bruises that came along with those first steps. Attipas loosely translates to “precious steps”, and that is exactly what we want babies to do when they put on a pair of Attipas; take those first precious steps and take off running!
Studies show that the best way for a baby to learn to walk is to be barefoot as much as possible. With that in mind, Attipas were created to protect the precious little feet of a new walker, while allowing for movement that mimics being barefoot."
This is what Annie had to say:
As a mom who tries to be conscientious of development, I am always on the lookout for a great soft-
soled shoe for my children in the pre- and early walker stages. I was thrilled with Heather asked me if I would be interested in reviewing Attipas shoes for my pre-walker.
As the Attipas Kids website states:
Attipas toddler shoes are based on 7 years of kinetic and physio-dynamic research of toddlers walking, these unique non slip shoes ergonomically support a infants first steps and thereafter. With university, industry and educational cooperation, we are proud to introduce these internationally patented toddler shoes to the market. Attipas shoes are The Fun of Learning to Walk.
• (1) Convenience - Durable, non-slip, machine washable, fast drying.
• (2) Breathable: Perforated sole releases heat and moisture for added comfort.
• (3) Large Toe Box: Free toe movement for improved cognitive & motor development.
• (4) Safe: Built with non toxic safety tested materials.
• (5) Lightweight & Flexible: Super lightweight, just like wearing socks!
The shoes are sized by half sizes, but in my personal opinion, the pair we have (3.5) fits more like a 3 – I’m just sad that she had a growth spurt and she will probably outgrow them before she begins to walk.
Thanks, Annie! I have to say that I am completely jealous that C has such rocking shoes... and that my kids are past this stage, because Attipas has some adorable shoes for both boys and girls alike - here are a few of my favorites: