"The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark."

So you stocked up at the beginning of the month, but are already running out of the products your family needs? You’re in luck!
From July 17th through July 24th, look for the “Running Out? Run In.” event at Publix® to take advantage of great savings on some of your favorite brands from General Mills, like Cheerios, Go-gurt, Charmin and Dawn. Plus, if you buy $30 of participating* items from July 17-August 2, you can mail in to receive a $10 Publix® gift card to use on your next shopping trip! (For more details on this great rebate, please visit RunningOutRunIn.com.
This is one of my favorite sales at Publix because our family uses so many great General Mills products - especially the Go-Gurt! I know that I've stocked our freezer with all of the different flavors for a great frozen afternoon treat for the kids! Erik is especially fond of the Perry the Platypus designs on his favorite flavor!Make sure you are regularly checking out Publix online at Publix.com and you can also find Publix on Facebook and Twitter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway