From the Publisher:

Faith Holland left her hometown after being jilted at the altar. Now a little older and wiser, she's ready to return to the Blue Heron Winery, her family's vineyard, to confront the ghosts of her past, and maybe enjoy a glass of red. After all, there's some great scenery there….
Like Levi Cooper, the local police chief—and best friend of her former fiancé. There's a lot about Levi that Faith never noticed, and it's not just those deep green eyes. The only catch is she's having a hard time forgetting that he helped ruin her wedding all those years ago. If she can find a minute amidst all her family drama to stop and smell the rosé, she just might find a reason to stay at Blue Heron, and finish that walk down the aisle.
“Faith Holland put down her binoculars, picked up her clipboard and checked off a box on her list. Lives alone. Clint had said he did, and the background check showed only his name on the rental agreement, but a person couldn’t be too careful. She took a pull of Red Bull and tapped her fingers against the steering wheel of her roommate’s car.
Once upon a time, a scenario like this would’ve seemed ridiculous. But given her romantic history, a little footwork was simply smart. Footwork saved time, embarrassment, anger and heartbreak. Say, for example, the man was gay, which had happened not just with Jeremy, but with Rafael Santos and Fred Beeker, as well. To his credit, Rafe hadn’t known Faith thought they were dating; he thought they were just hanging out. Later that month, determined to keep trying, faith had rather awkwardly hit on Fred, who lived down the street from her and Liza, only to have him recoil in horror and gently explain that he liked boys too. (Incidentally she’d fixed him up with Rafael, and the two had been together ever since, so at least there was a happily ever after for someone.)
Gay wasn’t the only problem. Brandon, whom she’d met at a party, had seemed so promising, right until their second date, when his phone rang. ‘Gotta take this, it’s my dealer,’ he’d said blithely. When Faith had asked for clarification—he couldn’t mean drug dealer could he?—he’d replied sure, what did she think he meant? He’d seemed confused when Faith left in a huff.
The binocs were old school, yes. But had she used binoculars with Rafe, she would’ve seen his gorgeous silk window treatments and six foot framed poster of Barbara Streisand. Had she staked out Brandon, she would’ve seen him meeting unsavory people in cars after they’d flashed their headlights.”
Q&A with Kristan Higgins:
There are two, actually: The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James, and My Kind of Christmas by Robyn Carr. I’m also pretending to read Empire Falls by the mighty Richard Russo, but I don’t think I’m going to finish that one before my book group meets. (Sorry, Mr. Russo!)
2) What’s the last book that kept you up all night to finish reading?
The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. What a remarkable and beautifully written book!
3) When did you first consider yourself a writer?
You know, it took a while! I think a lot of us writers have the imposter syndrome…you know, where you’re convinced that anything decent you’ve produced thus far is just a fluke. My fourth book, TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, was difficult to write, and that was the first time I had to struggle. When it was finally done, and when I still wanted to write another, I thought I might be a real writer after all.
4) Where’s your favorite place to read?
There’s this big squishy green chair in our living room. Our cute little mutt jumps up and wedges herself in with me, and it’s heaven.
5) What books have influenced your life the most?
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee; Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell; Abide With Me by Elizabeth Strout. Though there are dozens of books that have influenced me, these are the books I read again and again.
If you want to find out more about Kristan and The Best Man, I highly recommend checking out:
If you want to find out more about Kristan and The Best Man, I highly recommend checking out: