Does anyone else feel like they need a vacation from the week after vacation?
I've amended one of my great mysteries sayings... Why is it that when the laundry multiples, the socks divide and the hangers disappear?
I'm looking for bloggers to interview and feature as part of my 9 at 9 Blogger Spotlight series... if anyone is interested in answering a few questions to be featured, please send me an email at and I'll send you the questions!
My parents leave on a 35 day cruise tomorrow... jealous that they didn't pack me in their suitcase... but anyone interested can check out my mom's blog at for their play by play (with great photos by my dad)
I need to rebut something on Wayne's Frags - he came in to see me in the bedroom, bringing his laptop and started writing his frags... it's not my fault he chose to sit beside me and write... it's his... Miss Manners has no say...
There are less than 6 weeks until my kids go back to school... I'm not counting or anything ;-)
I have been mulling around an idea for a new meme... called Through the Window Thursday - it would ask people to post an interesting photo taken through a window... could be a car window, a store window, your home, whatever... would anyone be interested?
Well, I'm all fragged out for now, so head on over to Mrs. 4444's blog by clicking on this button: