I feel so bad for my little guy - he woke up a couple of nights ago with a fever and they yucks... fortunately we've discovered the cause - he's teething all four eye teeth at the same time... but he's been a little cranky and worse - his and my sleep schedules are completely shot... but we're getting through it...
One of the toughest things about Erik's fever was that since we originally didn't know what it was, we spent two days away from Wayne and the other kids to make sure he wasn't contagious, but we'll have lots of together time this weekend when we head home to Charleston...
It's been a great trip home to Toronto this year... the only hitch has been the weather... I thought we left hot, humid weather back in the South... but it's been hotter and more humid here (with no central air) and worse, the SMOG has been awful... the only relief for my sister is that when we leave it looks like we're taking the hot, humid weather with us...
The biggest thing I'm looking forward to when we get home is to get to spend some more time with Wayne, that's the hardest thing about splitting up between houses with the kids... but it's the only way to manage with all three kids and the reality of the free accommodation ;-)
Well, there are more frags hiding out there... but I need to try to nap again now that Erik is back to sleep again... so check out Mrs. 4444 and the rest of the fraggers while I sleep ;-)