Sleep... it's in limited supply at our house these days... for everyone except my teenager - man, I think she could sleep through the Apocalypse... Liam has trouble getting to sleep, Erik has trouble staying asleep and that makes Wayne and I both sleep deprived...
We're going to try Liam with some melatonin drops starting tomorrow to see if it will help him calm down enough to fall asleep... I hope it helps him turn his brain off a little easier than he's been going down lately...
Erik has now officially outgrown his 24 months size pants - man, I have to stop feeding this child... we were at a playdate today and I picked up one of the other kids, who is about 14 months older than Erik and I nearly threw her up in the air she was so much lighter than I thought... yep, I'm growing one big boy...
Our weekends are going to be getting busier... it's the start of soccer season for Robyn... she'll have games every Saturday for about 6 weeks starting in February, but for now it's practice, practice, practice... She also has her marathon to finish - she's holding steady at just over 25 miles completed... they run the last mile and a bit when they all get together...
We had a cold snap here in Charleston - it was cold enough for snow... but of course the three days of cold temperatures coincided with bright sunny days... come on, if it's going to be below freezing at least make it worth our while... I WANT SNOW!
I have two requests for you... the first is for me (and Erik) - could you click on this link and vote for his smiling face please?
The second request is for an upcoming blog post - I'm doing a poll... and I would love for you to answer the question - What is your favorite way to follow your favorite blogs?
I think I'm heading to my first ever blogging conference!!! Reviewer's Retreat is just up the road in Charlotte and the timing is perfect - the kids finish school the week before and we were already planning our road trip home to Toronto for that week... so we'll stop off and Wayne and the kids can play and enjoy the Great Wolf Lodge while I soak up some great speakers and networking!!! I'm so excited - usually we go to Wayne's conferences and the kids and I hang out while he networks... not this time! Now I just need to find a sponsor or two to help pay for the adventure!!!
Hoping your first week of 2012 has been as great as ours has ... and you got more sleep... I'll turn you over to the wonderful and wise Mrs. 4444 and the rest of the traveling Frags who link up at: