Support the Life Foundation & the Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic

It's an important topic that rarely gets raised - insuring your family in case something unforeseen and tragic happens, but talking about Life Insurance and ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of as best you can is an important part of both financial and life planning!

During the month of September, which is Life Insurance Awareness Month, you can help out a great cause and show off your loved ones as part of the "Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic", which is a cool integrated facebook app that you can get to by liking

Uploading your photo is really simple and by adding it to the mosaic you not only share your loved ones and their story but you also support the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program, which provides tuition assistance to students who have lost a parent and are struggling to achieve their dream of a college education.

Once you allow the app, it's simply a matter of searching your Facebook albums for the perfect photo, or if you can't find one there, uploading one from your computer!  Then you add a caption and within a few days your picture will be integrated with thousands of others to create a beautiful mosaic picture recognizing and celebrating those people who have made the decision to protect their loved ones with Life Insurance. 

If one photo isn't enough, you can keep going - upload up to 20 photos and help the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program even more!

I've uploaded one of my favorite pictures of the kids - and my reason for having life insurance on myself, even though I'm a stay at home mom is that if something ever happened to me, Wayne would need to hire someone to help with the kids - there's no way he could work and do my job too!

Upload your photo(s) and share your reasons at and not only will you be adding your unique signature to the mosaic, but also helping to support the LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program!

Disclaimer: I received a gift card as part of a promotional program with the LIFE Foundation and MomSelect.