Gluten Free?

Liam has been on a gluten free diet for almost two years and when we started we saw good results... well he fell off the wagon this week and ate a full range of gluten free foods at a party, so I've watched him for the past several days and I haven't seen evidence of the stimming and behavior issues that decreased when he went GF...

So, we're at a crossroads again... do I stick with it because we're used to it?  Do I slowly reintroduce gluten into his world and keep an eye on him?  Do we go cold turkey and see if there's an effect?

I would love to increase the variety in his diet and reintroduce foods that we eat as a family, but I'm afraid in some ways that if we have to go back to GF that it would be as easy to transition back...

Have any of you had experience with it?

Any help or suggestions?