Five Question Friday from @5crookedhalos #5QF

Because I know that you desperately want to know more about me...

1. Do you close the bathroom door when you are home alone?
Home alone? What's that?  I can't remember being home alone ... but if it did happen, I probably would shut the door out of habit...

2. You have to walk around with a word on your forehead. That word describes you. One word. What is it?


3. What store do you refuse to shop at and why?

I won't shop anywhere that isn't clean... but I have been lucky about not having to walk out of places very often

4. If you participated in arranged marriages for your child(ren), who would you choose for your child(ren)?

I have absolutely no idea... 

5. If you could pick how and when you would die, would you?

Nope - but I plan to live a long and happy life and get to know my great-grandchildren...

Now that you know more about me, answer one or more of  the questions in the comments or hook up with: