Five Question Friday

Wanna know a little more about me... i knew that ... so I hooked up with Five Question Friday again... just so you'd know the answers to these five questions... you can share by clicking on the button and linking up, or just leaving your answer to one of them in the comments :)

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?

2. What is your favorite room in your house?

3. Can you wiggle your ears?

4. What is your evening ritual?

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

My answers:

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?
We met at work... I knew him peripherally for a few years and then we ended up working together one summer and hit it off... so no, it wasn't instant

2. What is your favorite room in your house?
I like our 2nd floor loft/lounge area... it's a casual space away from everything where we can hang out as a family

3. Can you wiggle your ears?
nope, can you?

4. What is your evening ritual?
Right now it's make dinner, clean up from dinner, get a few minutes to myself, talk to Wayne and the kids, play a game or watch a show then head to bed about 8:00pm and let Wayne put the older kids to bed... Erik is going to sleep about 8ish and getting up at midnight, 2:30 and 5, so my best sleep seems to be from 8-midnight, which really cuts into my evening...

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
To function.. right now the magic number seems to be 5... but I'd really love 7 hours a night...