I'm linking up with:
hosted by Mommy of One & Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

hosted by bassgiraffe
For those who don't know me and my humble little blog:
I'm Heather, a never stay-at-home mom to two and a half wonderful kids. My adopted daughter is twelve, my son is almost four and 'ach baby' is scheduled to make his formal family debut on November 8th, 2010... but the OB is suggesting that I look for a newborn sized Halloween Costume... and since Liam was early and he's already measuring ahead, it's a pretty sure bet that little Ach Baby will be an October baby.
I am a fairly recent transplant to the greater Charleston, SC area - having lived most of my life in Toronto and Southwestern Ontario, Canada...
I blog about my life, my family, life in general and I'm particularly proud of some of my memory pieces - some of which will be published as an annex to my Nana's memoirs which are being published as we speak... I also give my wonderful hubby free reign as a guest poster...
Some of my fave posts, to give you flavor are:IwannastayTea GrannyMy fave hubby guest post rant
I also post recipes as part of my regular MMMmonday feature... you can click on the link --> to see what yummy things are coming out of my kitchen...
I welcome new followers, friends and am looking for people who want to guest post in September and October as my due date approaches... you can shoot me an email at heather at actingbalanced dot com - I'm open to almost any type of post - if you want to see what kind of guest posters we've had on AB, again I direct you to the right sidebar to click on Guest Post or Friendly Wednesday and see who's been lurking around :)
In other news:
I'm so excited to be announcing that Medela is allowing me to host a Medela MommyParty!
I got a whole pile of neat accessories to share with my party guests - including 10 grab bags full of samples and information! I also got my very own
Pump In Style® Advanced Shoulder Bag
If you live in the Chas area and would like to attend, please drop me a line at heather at actingbalanced dot com and I will send you the details!
Thanks for stopping by!