School begins in South Carolina this week. We have all heard the stories across the USA about how schools are having to 'do more with less' and are facing increasing budgets cuts as the stimulus package runs out. Today, I am challenging everyone (myself included) to do something to make our schools better. We are going into a information age and students more than ever need to have a high quality education if they want any chance to succeed in this new world. So, if you can not donate money - donate time. One day a week: go tutor kids; coach a team; offer to let a child job shadow; or work on a school committee. Many kids have parents at home who are not able to help kids with their homework particularly in the math and sciences. Schools need fund raising specialists to service on PTAs (to give kids advantages that they can not have in this era of budget cutting). Kids need to see, the work and dedication it takes to 'bring home the bacon.' Coaches are always needed and are a nice way to keep kids active - we do have a major childhood obesity problem in this country.
It was once written that it takes 'a village to raise a child' but the reality is that is really doesn't take everyone but it does take a quite a few who really care and are willing to give. People always complain about the 'kids of today' - well here is your chance to do something about it. Be a positive influence, show them that learning is a life long endeavor and give to something more than yourself: contribute to shaping and supporting the next generation. The schools now more than ever, need their community's support and you could be the person who makes that contribution!
How do you contribute to your local school district? Please share any ideas you have!
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