Writing Memoirs...

In a way, I'm glad I've started blogging now... because I am honing my voice and making a lasting impression of what is going on now ... I was never good at keeping a diary or journal... I guess I'm too much of an exhibitionist for that - I want to share my experiences and not keep them under lock and key... I always started with a blank journal and would get a day or two worth of entries in... and then inevitably the nice new journal wasn't new anymore and became relagated to shopping lists and phone messages...  because there's something about a nice clean start that makes writing easier for me... and I am such a cluttered person that the forced blank page of a blog is probably the better alternative to buying a tonne of journals to write a page or two here or there...
My mom has been after me for years to write books... because I am a voracious reader .... and speedy - I can knock down 'book candy' in under an hour... (read trade romance novels, which my mother got me hooked on at 10 or 11, because I was out of books from the library and bored...) and get through War and Peace in about 24 hours.... but writing is a different entity - you don't just need imagination, you need inspiration... and by choosing to blog about my family and life in general, I find inspiration in everything from watching my children to a cup of tea, to a photograph...
And the bonus of blogging is getting feedback... knowing that I am not the only one reading my thoughts squirreled away in some no longer fresh journal that will be lost in space soon...
I am finding as I explore the blogosphere I am also finding inspiration and encouragement from my fellow bloggers... I am reading more blogs than I ever thought I would when I started mine in isolation.. I had read ocassional blog entries, but never followed many blogs... I have found great blogs to follow though the SITS Girls (The Secret Is in the Sauce), an online community of wonderful bloggy women who comment on each other's blogs and share with each other.  I have also stumbled on several through NetworkedBlogs.com, which is a facebook app and sharing site. 
Today, as I sit in Starbucks, waiting for Wayne to finish in a meeting so I can take him to work (read one car family...) I can put these random thoughts into some semblance of order under the title of Writing memoirs and know that I am leaving both blogdom and my future generations a legacy of my attemts to act balanced... and as importantly, a piece of myself...