Calling an expert who...

doesn't know as much as you is like trying to ask Liam what he wants... Having made the choice to go gluten-free for Liam, I am reading the labels on everything twice as stringently as I did before and I jump for joy when I find something I think is going to work for Liam's diet that he might actually like!  But, since I'm no expert in the ways of everything gluten, I try to double and triple check with experts before letting it pass his lips...

Fast forward to the other day when I had a rare opportunity to go grocery shopping without help-- and with enough time to take a section of the Publix to read all the labels and note any likely suspects to add to Liam's diet without buying 'uber-expensive, specialty foods' made specifically for my poor deprived gluten free kid... cause if you've read my other blog, you know I hate paying too much for groceries, and there just aren't that many good coupons for specialty foods because they have a smaller market share than everything else... (rant for another time)

I chose the cereal aisle, since I already knew that most cereals would be rejected and that we'd found Chex in multiple flavours that is gluten free (and Publix and Bi-Lo had great sales with coupon matches so I have a stockpile) and cereal was one of Liam's favourite munchie snack...

So in boxed cereals, everything but Chex has been rejected - even Rice Krispies is full of Wheat... but whatever... so on to Granola... and I found a promising box of Nature Valley bars... no wheat, some soy, some oatmeal, but no 'glutenous grains'... and some of the flavours have protein, which is tough to get into my little vegetarian... but being the overly cautious mom, I phone the General Mills hotline and ask them to check if I'm correct and the product is gluten free...  and it went down hill from there.  It has oats in it and oatmeal has gluten doesn't it?  No, oh - I didn't know that... oh yeah, soy - that has gluten... oh no?  I though it did and so on.  I would love to hear from anyone else who is doing the gluten free thing and is further along than me, to take a look at the ingredients and let me know if I'm right in thinking it might be a good possibility for my gluten free kid, since the staff at GM can't help me.

***Although its' a moot point right now, since his sister offered him a piece of hers after dinner today and he soundly rejected it out of hand... oh well - back to the grocery store (and the drawing board)
