Welcome to Monday Quiz About Me - hosted by Heather & Wayne from Acting Balanced.  We are continuing to answer questions together.  A special shout out this week to Judy from Retired-not-Tired for getting Heather off her butt and getting the questions up!

Here are FOUR QUESTIONS that everyone can answer and then you have the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four standard questions you answered! Grab the badge for your post if you like:

Here are the Questions:

1. It was Father's Day in North America this weekend, share something special about a dad in your life:

2. Today is Fresh Veggies day - what is your favorite veggie to have fresh - raw or cooked?

3. Wednesday is National Splurge Day - if money was no object, what would you splurge on?

4. Do you like to walk? Where is your favorite place to walk?

Our Responses - will post soon

And here is our 5th Question:  What is your favorite Summer Vacation memory?

Now, please link up your MQAM posts below: