Friday Fragments

Thanks to Mrs. 4444s for hosting the Friday Fragments...

W - How do you like the new look?  Heather and I are planning to make some significant bloggy changes going into the New Year. 2014 should be a great one for Acting Balanced.
Half-Past Kissin' Time

W - Heather's parents arrive here for a quick visit on their way back from the 42 day cruise.  If you are interested in all the going ons that a 42 day cruise entails, I recommend you check out my Mother in Law Judy's blog

W - It is amazing how when I start doing the cleaning for guests coming, everyone goes into hiding.  Just a coincidence right?

W - I am getting three sets of exams tomorrow.  By my calculations, each exam should be about 12 pages in length.  Over the 95 students; that should mean I am getting in approximately 1,140 pages of grading.  

W - Did I mention that Heather leaves Monday for a 10 day trip to Canada?  This ought to lead to some Mr. Mom type hijinks.