Thanks to Mrs. 4444's for hosting Friday Fragments...
- Heather is still Halloweening - so just me today.
- On a related note: I always enjoy teaching Halloween night. The students are always so interested in me finishing my class.
- College of Charleston basketball starts Saturday night. I am looking forward to this year starting in a new conference.
- On a related note: Heather is so looking forward to me going to games and sticking her with the kids. I see some Moms night out on the horizon.
- This week I dealt with some heavy issues in my global tourism class. We were dealing with issues surrounding sex tourism.
- On a related note: A sad did you know: There are over one million children working in sex slavery around the world. This is truly an issue that needs to be addressed.
- Heather and I may get a chance to say hi to one another this weekend. It is possible.
- On a related note: I can tell I have been working a lot by the state of the house. Got to get out my cleaning gear this weekend.