This week's Coffee Chat topic is: Too Soon For Christmas?
The short answer, especially now that I live in the States is ... no... but...
I honestly understand that it makes sense to start putting up your Christmas decor and getting into the holiday mood as soon as you've cleared away the table after US thanksgiving dinner... but I have to say that I'm already sick and tired of Christmas because it's been in the stores since BEFORE Halloween!
As a Canadian, my thought was always Christmas began with Advent and 25 days of Christmas was pretty darn long enough... and for me, it still is... that said, we're heading home to Canada for Christmas holidays so I don't plan to break out our tree or indoor decorations at all this year. We're leaving Santa the GPS coordinates and sending him a letter at the North Pole to make sure he knows where we'll be spending Christmas.
I will be getting into the holiday spirit starting next week when I do some baking and I am thinking that I'm still going to put up the exterior lights on a timer, because I love that cheery glow especially now that it's getting dark at 5pm...
I don't begrudge anyone who is already in the holiday spirit, but I'll get there on the weekend!