I am pleased to invite Brandina from Silverfaeries and Dragonflies to Acting Balanced today. I love reading her blog and I don't say that just because she's one of my co-hosts on Thirsty for Comments
1. Tell us a little bit about your blog:
I started Silverfaeries & Dragonflies because I wanted a way to document and share my journey of rediscovering myself, of learning what kinds of activities I like to do now and preparing myself for life after my son goes off to college. The reason for wanting to do this is because I saw how my mother and sisters were suffering from 'empty nest' syndrome and I don't want that to happen to me. When my son spreads his wings to fly, I plan to do the same, for a second time in my life - and when I fly, I will fly farther and higher than ever before.
2. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about it?
3. Who is the person or group behind the blog?
Yours Truly
4. What hobbies/interests do you have?
Oh my, this may be a somewhat lengthy answer. I like to do pretty much anything creative (and trying new creative things is one of the main subjects I cover at S&D). I enjoy crochet, quilling, painting, writing, dancing, paper crafts, art journaling, photography, making jewelry, cooking and interior decorating. Lately I've focused mostly on the visual arts and expanding my horizons with them, but there are no limits to where I may eventually go with the hobbies I love.
5. If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
My two sons, my grandmother and my 6x great grandfather. I'd probably serve my homemade chicken and dumplings because it's always a hit.
6. I can’t live without…
My family. Without them, I don't think I could have made this far in life. Their support gives me the strength to push myself farther than I would be able to alone.
7. Something people would be surprised to know about me is…
That I have a 16 year old son (at least this seems to surprise a lot of people)
9. Three of my favorite posts on my blog are:

Readers, if you blog - big or small, niche or general, you can be featured on Acting Balanced some Saturday in the not to distant future! Just PM me on Facebook or shoot me an email to Heather@actingbalanced.com