This week's topic on Friendship Friday is Social Media... and the first thing that I thought of when I saw the topic... the changes that Facebook seems to be constantly making...
For me, the term social media has always meant places for public, free exchange of information, opinion and tidbits about oneself, one's business, one's cause... and over the last several weeks, I am beginning to feel like Facebook is evolving away from social media into another realm completely - and what's scary is that twitter and other platforms may go the same way - charging to be seen... no matter how many people actively want to be following your thread - either personally or your blog, Facebook is now selectively promoting it... heck there are times when my own blog's feed doesn't show up in my news!
Now, I could make sure that all 7000 of my followers have the option to see my post... but I'd better open up my wallet... every post that I want amplified by Facebook would cost me! Now, I realize that as a for profit company, Facebook has to pay it's workers and now, it's investors, but I miss the days when it was a website that made a few bucks with sidebar advertising and I could keep up with my friends, family and play a few games... There are companies that I'm sure will pay for the privilege of being "In My Face" but I'd honestly rather ditch it all and go back to just keeping up with my family and 'running into' old high school chums...
I appreciate Facebook as one forum for my blog to be seen, but if they expect me to pay for the opportunity, I they will be sadly waiting a long, long time!