1. Tell us a little bit about your blog:
Hi everyone! Lisa's World of Books is my little corner of book heaven. Well, I take that back mostly mine because both my husband and my kids occasionally drop by to share their thoughts about books. I review a wide variety of books in almost every genre. I also try to share book from genres I do not read by allowing author's to be guests or interviewing them. Hey, it might not be for me but it might be for you.
2. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about it?
I have been blogging for 2 years next month. I love having an outlet to share my thoughts on books and I love getting comments back from my readers. It is rewarding and I have a tons of fun finding new authors.
3. Who is the person or group behind the blog?
For the most part I am behind my blog but my husband does review quite often for me, which get you fantasy fans so great books to check out, and helps me a lot with the coding and mechanic behind Lisa's World of Books. My 10 and 11 year old sons also stop by every once in a blue moon to share something, speaking on blue moon here was one on my birthday this year

4. What hobbies/interests do you have?
Besides reading, I also enjoy scrapbooking on occasion, spending time in nature, and just spending time with my family.
5. If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Oh I would have a really interesting dinner party. I would invited J.R.R. Toliken, Claire from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, Mother Teresa, and my grandma. My grandma mostly because I never got to say goodbye and I think that it would be good closure to get the opportunity to have one more meal with her. Mother Teresa, I don't think that requires and explanation. I would love to just chat with Claire she is fascinating. And Tolkien well I would love to pick his brain

6. I can’t live without…Books, Tea, my computer. there are many other things but that is a good start.
7. Something people would be surprised to know about me is…
I have been to 47 of the 50 states, I am only missing Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii. I was very lucky to travel every summer when I was younger. I did not appreciate it much then but really do now.
8. Three of my favorite blogs to visit are:
Pages of Forbidden Love http://www.pages-of-forbidden-love.com/
Healthy Tipping Point healthytippingpoint.com
Rachel Firasek http://rachelfirasek.blogspot.com/?zx=121e413fff716d0d
9. Three of my favorite posts on my blog are:
This is a really tough question.
Star Wars Reads Day http://www.lisasworldofbooks.net/2012/star-wars-reads-day
Kim Harrison Book Signing http://www.lisasworldofbooks.net/2012/kim-harrison-book-signing-and-a-giveaway
Review and Author Interview: Skinny by Diana Spechler http://www.lisasworldofbooks.net/2011/review-and-author-interview-skinny-by-diana-spechler
Thanks so much for stopping by and subjecting yourself to my interview questions! For those who are looking to keep up with Lisa, please check her out on:
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