Guest Post: Write What You Know

I am pleased to invite Linda Armstrong-Miller, author of Betrayal and Forgiveness, to guest post on Acting Balanced today as part of her virtual blog tour!  Click on the button below to check out more stops on the tour:

Write What You Know

I’ve been blessed by my readers. I have received really good feedback when it comes to Betrayal and Forgiveness. This book is a republishing of my book originally titled Blood and Water. I often have readers write and say they felt as if they were in the same room with Mat as he takes his journey from victim to victory.

How do I make this happen? Easy!  I write about the things I know the most about. That of course is being a nurse and working in a critical care setting. My Characters come across as real because I see them as real. My characters are real to me. While it’s true my characters are fictitious they do everything you and I do.

I see each character in my mine’s eye. They move, talk, eat, they live. I give them a car a house and even jobs. My characters even have family. When you read Betrayal and Forgiveness and later when you read Touched, you will see each character is well rounded. This is especially true with the information I use to explain the scenes and medical situations in Betrayal and Forgiveness.

I graduated from nursing school in 1992.  I worked as a critical care nurse until 2005. If you were to walk into a room in one of the ICU, CCU or MICU, you may very well see all the lines and monitors and IV pumps which were described in Lisa’s room. I didn’t go into details of how the nurses come in and measure the pain medicine to make sure none was removed without 

I was taken out of the work force due to a serious injury I incurred while working in the unit. To write a scene from the unit and I have worked in several different units and hospital, all I have to do is close my eyes and imagine I’m in a patient’s room. I can remember the monitor and how I and other nurses sit at a table outside the room to keep an eye on the monitor and the patient.

I can close my eyes and see doctors and nurses going in and out of the medicine/ supply room. I can see what the doctor’s call room look like and I can remember what the team looks like during rounds. I can see all of this because it is what I know.


Linda Armstrong-Miller is a retired registered nursed. She leaves in Ga. With her husband Mike and daughter Cayla. Jesus Christ is my Savior. He is the way the truth and the light. I Believe.
Linda’s latest book is Betrayal and Forgiveness.


In the Bible, the Lord asked that we not make promises unless we are sure that we can keep them. Lisa made a promise and has done everything in her power to keep that promise. a lesson her father needed to learn. Before he was able to practice keeping his promise, he lost the love of his daughter, his best friend, and he was about to lose the love of his son. Time was running out for all of them, but they didn’t know it.