I'm blinking and missing the world these days...
Erik had his 12 month well baby visit yesterday - he's off the chart for height and weight - 32.8 inches and 26.11 lbs! He did exceedingly well during his exam - didn't cry when he got stuck for the lead and hemoglobin tests, and only cried during his shots when he got the last one - according to our nurse, that one stings the worst! He's meeting his goals, so we're off the hook until 15 months...
Liam saw the ENT this week. We went back to our original doc, even though his office is now further away, and I was much less frustrated by the experience. It doesn't hurt that he totally agrees with me that Liam needs another set of tubes ASAP, so he's scheduled for November 23rd and will have all of Thanksgiving break to recover...
Robyn and I went to check out one of the high schools on her list last night - she's sold on it - not because of the academic rigor or the small class sizes... nope, she wants to go because they have dodgeball tournaments against the teachers and a Quiddich team... I on the other hand appreciate the size and academic standards... it's tough to get into though, so we've got to keep our other options open.
I honestly feel like Wayne and I are ships passing in the night this week, it's been so busy- I was out tonight - he's out tomorrow night and Saturday for the big James Island Connector Run that he's helping to put on. Robyn's going with him on Saturday morning to do the run, so it'll be the boys and I enjoying some jammie time together. Maybe Sunday will give us a chance to talk face to face rather than over the phone or by email.
Speaking of Wayne, he is still working at blogging daily - check out his stuff at www.waynewsmith.com and show him some comment luv - it's always tough starting out...
Well fellow fraggers and loyal readers... I'm technically going to post this before Friday appears so that I can catch a few extra zzzzz........ so until next week, check out these other great fraggers: