I wasn't sure taking both boys to live theater by myself would work out well, but we had a blast on Tuesday afternoon! Liam was bouncing, jumping and singing along in his own way to DJ Lance and the gang, while Erik took a more subdued approach - probably because we went during the second half of his normal nap time... he sat on my lap and just took it all in!
And there was a lot to take in!
Not only was Yo Gabba Gabba Live a singing and dancing extravaganza, but since we were close to the stage we were showered with confetti, paper leaves, 'snow' and more! Liam was just fascinated by watching the tissue paper fall to the floor and also how all the lights and things worked! I don't think he spent more than five minutes in his seat, except during intermission when I bribed him with a gluten free snack and a juice box to stay put!
Erik's favorite part was Biz Markie (I didn't get a clip of this so I found one from a different show on You Tube)
Dispite my reservations, not only did my boys have a great time, but I did too! And so did a couple thousand other families who attended the show at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center!
Yo Gabba Gabba live is still touring throughout the US - visit www.yogabbagabbalive.com/ to see if they're coming for you!