I'm volunteering again tomorrow for Mythology Madness with the 6th graders... It's always a hoot... They create their own Greek Gods or Godesses and have to introduce them to their parents and friends at a reception... I'll try to remember to take pics...
Speaking of Robyn, she's writing a script based on Romeo and Juliet ... set in modern times... Should be a hoot
Liam has had his ups and downs this week... He got rid of his ear infection but caught a cold and ended up having to get.a steroid shot In the butt to help stop his wheezing... I learned that he'll lie still on his stomach to play angry birds on the iPad and barely notice the shot... Good thing to remember for next week's 5 year well check.
Erik climbed up the Chick-Fil-A play structure by himself (Robyn was behind him) ... He's still not a year old... Makes me worried about his daredevil ways...
We've barely seen Wayne this week... He's had lots to do at work and we may not see him much this weekend, he's got midterms and projects to mark. He did pass one major hurdle on his way to becoming a tenured professor at C of C - he got unanimous support from his department! On to the School of Business then the Colllege-wide tenure committee... hopefully he'll make it through - I really like living in Charleston
Speaking of which - Charleston was named the Top Tourist Spot in the US by Conde Nest Traveler and the award was presented by Charleston native, Stephen Colbert:
Well, just thinking about how busy we've been is making me sleepy, so I suggest you go and visit the other wonderful Fragmented Friends who've hooked up at: