Heather's Hubby is a Sweet Guy..

Some days you just know that things aren't going your way... take last night for instance... they boys were tag teaming again - Liam wouldn't keep his pull up on for love or money - and he still won't go in the potty, so we keep finding gifts on the floor or elsewhere... but at least with the pull up on we have a shot to get him to the bathroom when he pulls it down... otherwise there is no warning... and Erik was getting into everything and whining when he wasn't being held constantly... and neither Wayne nor I had much luck sleeping the night before...

the opportunity for the perfect storm... or the perfect fight...

primed and ready, we both got there... and I decided that I was too tired to even argue... so I just stopped...and went to load the dishwasher...

I sat down to read my blogroll with lunch today... and got a bloggy love note from my hubby...

you can check it out here: http://www.waynewsmith.com/2011/05/of-notes.html

Isn't that sweet?  Ain't technology grand?