I am pleased to be able to review The Katyn Order
here on Acting Balanced, and I hope that you had a chance to check out Douglas W. Jacobson's guest post here on Acting Balanced yesterday.
My Review:
I have to say that a well researched historical novel is like stepping back in time and being able to see, hear and feel what the characters feel in the time and place. You can tell from the outset that Douglas W. Jacobson knows his subject matter and is able to create a tale that is both believable and gripping within the pages of The Katyn Order.
This book combines my favorite elements of human interaction and character depth with heart-racing action and suspense. Although I have read a number of novels and non-fiction books about World War II, I had never really studied Poland and the events surrounding both the Nazis and Soviets and how much of Poland's future with Soviet rule was written in the early part of the war. Although this book deals with the often graphic and sometimes grotesque reality of immediate post war Poland, it does so in a thought provoking and sensitive way, and all of the elements are pertinent to the story rather than being gratuitous.
This is an excellent book if you are looking for a meaty historical story with gripping elements, extensive research and great writing - what I'm saying is READ THIS BOOK!
About Douglas W. Jacobson