Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

I am hooking up this fragmented post at Half-past kissin' time...

I played with a nook color for the first time today... it's almost perfect... except for the price... that's a lot of books I can buy for the cost.. but darn, I could carry hundreds of books at a time and never be without something to read...

The scariest thing is that the person whose Nook I borrowed to play with was a middle school friend of my daughter's... guess what she wants next too...

Liam has been making excellent progress at school - he's started to imitate frequently, which is helping with his vocabulary building and also making choices.  He's even started to respond to simple abstract setences... which is a huge jump cognitively for him... and I'm such a proud mommy.

I'm so excited... one more week and I'll be completely shattering my nutritious meals credo with a trip to the Charleston Wine and Food festival... Wayne does all their surveys and data analysis, so I get to go to the opening tasting on a sponsor's ticket... I'm only doing the one event this year, but the tasting tents are the best and yummies places to be!

The other great part of that is that no children are allowed... darn, going to have to leave Erik with Wayne while I go and check out the latest and greatest... nearly two hours of uninterrupted me time... well, interrupted by the clinking of wineglasses and the crunching of yummy delicacies...

My exciting trip today was to take the kids to the mall so that Liam could hang out in the model train area... the mall has actually given space to the local model railway club and they open to the public a few days a week!  Liam was in heaven and Erik slept right through... Robyn went off to shop...

Robyn's exciting news is that she's going to be featured, along with the rest of the Haut Gap news team, on Low Country Live, a local tv program!  It should be fun!

As for Erik, he has his 4 mos check up next week, so we'll see if he's a butterball or some other cut or style of poultry.. stay tuned ;)

As for me, I only got 4 hours sleep last night, so this blog post might not be *actually probably isn't actually making any sense...

That's how fragmented my life is latey... if yours is the same, or better or worse... you should hook up with your fragments here:
Mommy's Idea
Good night all!