Comments and Feedback

I was flipping through google reader yesterday and stumbled across a post that is becoming nearer and dearer to my heart... Big Teeth & Clouds wrote on the importance of good comments...

I am really becoming disillusioned by hit and run traffic MeMes like Friday follows and the like, only because you get hit and run posters who write comments that say ... I'm a follower from ___ and could you follow me back... I guess my problem is that for the blogs I follow, I actually READ the posts... and if I can think of enough intelligent things to say, I will go and comment on them... and if I go back a few times, or read multiple posts in the same setting after I find a new blog, I'll follow it... and try to become a productive contributer...

It hit home hardest yesterday when I had a guest poster who had taken time out of her busy life to do an additional post for my little blog... and not only post about it, but do all the math ... which as you may know would boggle this writer's mind... and half the comments were 'following from x, follow me back' without even acknowledging that they read a single word of the guest post... or anything else for that matter...

So this is an open post to all of those people who are following me just so I will follow them... I am happy to follow blogs of contributing followers, and I will probably go so far as to check out any blog of a person following me... but I have to say that those who give good comment are probably the same people who are good blog writers and will capture my interest enough to add to my reader...

If you're not interested in my blog, for goodness sake, please stop following it... but if you like what you read, even if you aren't a commenter, please stay and enjoy... I started writing this blog for me to share things with others, and I've come to the realization that I will no longer participate in blind memes ... I will cultivate those who follow my blog regularly, always visit the blogs of people who leave intelligent comments and follow any blog I like, whether you follow me back or not...

I am still working towards my 1000 comment challenge this month - and the good news is I will likely make it... with time to spare... but I've decided on my April personal challenge already ... to leave only good comments... and only when I have something reasonable to say...

I now return you to our regularly scheduled blogs... and don't worry, there will be a blog post tomorrow that isn't a Friday Follow... not sure what it will be ... but that's for tomorrow :)

BTW - I wanted to say thank you to everyone who left good thoughts for Liam - He had a great day yesterday and it appears that the antibiotic has finally cleared his system, his ears are on track and he's headed BACK to PRESCHOOL today!!! Can you say 2 hrs of mommy time?

Happy Thursday all :)