Too think... random thoughts

I used to be one of those people who thought that I couldn't be a Stay at Home parent because I would be bored and drive myself insane... and I guess that I really am not following the Stay at Home part of that equation, especially lately... but as often as I have thought about sitting down to blog lately I have either opened the laptop and stared blindly at the screen... or I haven't even made it that far and I've just given up because I've been too busy to do anything, especially think...

I haven't been home for more than two hours awake time since Friday... and the toll is starting to show on my mental processes... so much so that today I had my car (our only family vehicle) locked into a secure construction site and had to call a friend to come and rescue me and the kids... so I think I've finally reached my breaking point... and am blogging for some much needed sanity and reassurance that, while I cannot string coherent sentences together vocally, with a little editing, I can still get thoughts to appear magically from my fingertips :)

So bear with me as I completely expound on some of the useless random things I have learned since I last blogged...

A little snow can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands...
  • Wayne had a conference to go to in Charlotte this past weekend, and I had planned to go with him for a romantic weekend, but life intervened and our babysitters (aka the grandparents) had to return to Canada earlier than planned, so we thought.. why don't we take the kids with us to see some sights in Charlotte while Wayne goes to the conference... which leads me to the next few random points
A single flake of snow south of the Mason-Dixon line closes EVERYTHING!

This is especially hard to understand as a Canadian, but now that I know ... I will remember it forever..
  • Three episodes influenced my understanding of this...
    • The first is that the one attraction that we wanted to go to was closed on Saturday because of the weather... tried to go again Sunday, and despite the fact that everything was melting and clearing... it was still closed..
    • The second one is that we almost didn't get to eat dinner on Saturday night.. the first eight restaurants we went to were all closed ... finally found an open Appleby's and were seated ... as were the couple behind us... and then everyone else was turned away because they were closing too...
    • And the third... we decided to go and check out a mall, phoned ahead to make sure it was open... only to get there and find out that over 1/3 of the stores were closed because of the weather...
You can't get a good night sleep with three in a double bed when you're used to a king...

  • The hotel we booked didn't have suites or even couches in the rooms so we had to opt for two doubles instead of a king bed... Wayne was presenting in the morning so he needed a good night's sleep, and he was too long for the bed, so chose to sleep diagonally.. leaving the kids and I to share the other double... if you've read about my bed hogging three year old you can imagine what my night was like...
Moving sucks...
  • Fortunately, I didn't have to move myself or my home, but Robyn's school is moving to a newly constructed building in behind their current school and today was moving day for the Media Center.. and since I volunteer there, I offered to help out... I've been helping pack since Friday...and so has Liam, hence part of the reason I haven't been home at all...
  • The move itself went reasonably smoothly, until we were shelving the books and realized that all the new shelves were unstable if you pulled the books to the front of the shelf and leaned on them in any wat... lesson learned after 3 shelves of books were dumped over by the movers
  • It was really tiring...
I have enough groceries in the house to survive a major disaster (or just a week without grocery shopping)
  • I haven't been to the store since Thursday (albeit we were away from lunch Saturday to lunch Sunday) and I still have a full freezer and pantry... I will probably need to pick up milk either tomorrow or Thursday, but otherwise we're all good ... cause I've barely made a dint in the stuff around the house
The world does not end when I don't grocery shop the sales...
  • I have been on a bit of a couponning/hoarding spree lately and hate to miss out on FREE stuff... and I'm kinda missing seeing my fave people at my Publix, but it really is ok that I didn't go to the grocery store this week...
You should always check when the gates to anyplace you are parking will be locked...
  • I drove around to the new school building this morning because I had to run out and grab lunch for Liam and it was raining, so instead of parking in the current school lot I went around to the back and parked near the new building... then went about my day, running back and forth between buildings...
  • I left the new school bustling with workers and went for a 'quick' 15 minute PTA meeting... that lasted an hour and a half, and by the time I was back to my car, they had chained and locked the gates to the construction site... and my poor car is on the wrong side
Friends are wonderful...
  • I phoned my friend Janice, the Media specialist for the school, in a panic because no one was left in the school who might have an inkling of a way to help me... and despite the fact that she'd been on her feet longer than I had today and had only gotten home a half an hour before, she turned around and came and got the kids and me and brought us home 
  • And she's coming back in the morning to get Robyn and I before school so I can get my car and Robyn won't be late :)
Anyway, I'm really sleepy and if I don't head to bed soon, morning will come way to early.... so I sign off as a totally unbalanced woman today... will get back to Acting Balanced tomorrow  -- I hope :)