
I've been told from an early age I should be writing more - it started in first grade when my teacher took old wallpaper books apart to make covers for 'books' that we could write and illustrate and share with the class.. as I got older I was occasionally struck by inspiration to write different things with mixed results... everything from bad haiku to an almost novel in 7th grade.  For a while it was moldy history essays and treatises about other people's work in college and lately it seems to be text messages, emails and Facebook updates, but I've been sharing my love of good bargains, interesting recipes and family 'drama' with my friends and family who have suggested I blog about it... and since I'm good at jumping on the bandwagon fairly late in most games, it seemed a good time to start a blog about what happens in my corner of the world...

I've been called a jack-of-all-trades by a few close friends...which means I am a master of none. I try to keep things in perspective and know that I am very fortunate to have great family, great friends and at least a hope of Acting Balanced... so I hope you get something from taking the time to read my blog and will share as much with me as I do with you...