
Life and other roadblocks...

I am sure you are tired of getting emails from Acting Balanced with a new update saying Heather is trying to blog again... and you think it is probably going to say something like I am recommitting to writing and getting things done...  

and in a way you are right... since it has been several months since I even thought about opening up a new page in my blog and just typing away... so much has happened since November - I had my first incredibly busy season in retail - working for a local gift shop - that was just crazy and insane... while balancing Wayne's ever expanding job duties, the kids busy lives and whatever else life threw at me...  and then more recently the demise of said local gift shop - because the owner stopped paying our vendors in December and all of that wonderful holiday season money was never distributed - but that is another story for another day and really not mine to tell...

The last few weeks have been spent intermittently helping some fabulous people who stepped in to make sure that the dissemination of the store was coordinated, by lending my expertise and really my knowledge of who was who and what was what in the store.  That too has now come to an end... so I am taking some time out to breathe and get my house in order before the kids finish school in just a few short months...

I am not looking for a new job for that reason and I find myself with some time and a need to share my story and re-connect with blogging friends :)

I hope some of you are still out there and are still blogging - I am planning to dedicate some time to reading and commenting on blogs I have followed and also take some time to find new and refreshing content!

I have kept up with my reading during my long absenses and have some great authors and books to share with you if you are looking for romance reads :)

I am also still with Pampered Chef and have recently taken up with Thirty-One, so expect some shameless plugs in that regard.

I hope all of you are well!


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